Dear Coastal Calligraphers

It is almost September and that means the beginning of the fifteenth anniversary year of CCG is fast approaching.  The theme for this year is ” Then and Now” to review what has been presented in past years and to present new programs now.  
Our first presenter will be Laura Stevenson and she will be sharing information and techniques from a class she took at A Show of Hands this summer.  The class was titled “Text and Texture: Calligraphic Marks and Nature” taught by Yukimi Anand.  
In the workshop, Laura will discuss the approach Yukimi uses to imitate nature in writing/drawing text.  This will include a brief discussion of “personalizing” lines, mark-making tools and medium.  The hands on portion of the workshop will include imitating a natural texture (provided), developing an alphabet from the texture then writing a text (provided) to imitate the texture.  
Materials List:
. Biggie Pad paper, any size (don’t buy if you don’t have this; members will have plenty to share )
. Pencil
. Micron pen-05 and/or other sizes you have
. Scissors
. Glue stick
. Basic tool kit
Please contact Laura to let her know you will be attending.
Lets have a great turnout as we begin this fifteenth fabulous year of gathering and learning together as the Coastal Calligraphers Guild.  See you on the 11th at the firehouse.